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This book deals with the Pooja Procedure to be followed at homes. Popularlized by Sri Adi Shankara, the worship of five dietes (Panchayatana) Shiva, Vishnu, Durga, Ganapati, and Surya, is the foremost pillar of Sanatana Dharma. This book acts as a procedural guide for performing this pooja at home.
Device | White | Black | Red | Green |
Chair | 14-14.5 | 15-15.5 | 16-16.5 | 17-17.5 |
Moniter | 14-14.5 | 15-15.5 | 16-16.5 | 17-17.5 |
Keycaps | 14-14.5 | 15-15.5 | 16-16.5 | 17-17.5 |
CPU | 14-14.5 | 15-15.5 | 16-16.5 | 17-17.5 |
Mouse | 14-14.5 | 15-15.5 | 16-16.5 | 17-17.5 |