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This is a logical presentation of the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta. The language used is simple and lucid and the explanations with the help of common day to day illustrations make the book very interesting and informative even to a casual reader. The author has successfully used even mathematical equations to prove the central theme of Adviata Vedanta that the "Jeevatma" (the Seeker) and the "Paramatma" (the Sought) are one and the same all the time and that truth is only required to be known and understood.
Device | White | Black | Red | Green |
Chair | 14-14.5 | 15-15.5 | 16-16.5 | 17-17.5 |
Moniter | 14-14.5 | 15-15.5 | 16-16.5 | 17-17.5 |
Keycaps | 14-14.5 | 15-15.5 | 16-16.5 | 17-17.5 |
CPU | 14-14.5 | 15-15.5 | 16-16.5 | 17-17.5 |
Mouse | 14-14.5 | 15-15.5 | 16-16.5 | 17-17.5 |